sudo.8 nmap(1) -p- -A -sS -vv -oN tcpAllScan.
execute a command as another user
Network exploration tool and security / port scanner
-p port ranges (Only scan specified ports) .
    This option specifies which ports you want to scan and overrides the default. Individual port numbers
    are OK, as are ranges separated by a hyphen (e.g.  1-1023). The beginning and/or end values of a
    range may be omitted, causing Nmap to use 1 and 65535, respectively. So you can specify -p- to scan
    ports from 1 through 65535. Scanning port zero.  is allowed if you specify it explicitly. For IP
    protocol scanning (-sO), this option specifies the protocol numbers you wish to scan for (0–255).

    When scanning both TCP and UDP ports, you can specify a particular protocol by preceding the port
    numbers by T: or U:. The qualifier lasts until you specify another qualifier. For example, the
    argument -p U:53,111,137,T:21-25,80,139,8080 would scan UDP ports 53, 111,and 137, as well as the
    listed TCP ports. Note that to scan both UDP and TCP, you have to specify -sU and at least one TCP
    scan type (such as -sS, -sF, or -sT). If no protocol qualifier is given, the port numbers are added
    to all protocol lists.  Ports can also be specified by name according to what the port is referred to
    in the nmap-services. You can even use the wildcards * and ? with the names. For example, to scan FTP
    and all ports whose names begin with “http”, use -p ftp,http*. Be careful about shell expansions and
    quote the argument to -p if unsure.

    Ranges of ports can be surrounded by square brackets to indicate ports inside that range that appear
    in nmap-services. For example, the following will scan all ports in nmap-services equal to or below
    1024: -p [-1024]. Be careful with shell expansions and quote the argument to -p if unsure.
-A (Aggressive scan options) .
    This option enables additional advanced and aggressive options. I haven´t decided exactly which it
    stands for yet. Presently this enables OS detection (-O), version scanning (-sV), script scanning
    (-sC) and traceroute (--traceroute).  More features may be added in the future. The point is to
    enable a comprehensive set of scan options without people having to remember a large set of flags.
    However, because script scanning with the default set is considered intrusive, you should not use -A
    against target networks without permission. This option only enables features, and not timing options
    (such as -T4) or verbosity options (-v) that you might want as well.
-sS (TCP SYN scan) .
    SYN scan is the default and most popular scan option for good reasons. It can be performed quickly,
    scanning thousands of ports per second on a fast network not hampered by restrictive firewalls. SYN
    scan is relatively unobtrusive and stealthy, since it never completes TCP connections. It also works
    against any compliant TCP stack rather than depending on idiosyncrasies of specific platforms as
    Nmap´s FIN/NULL/Xmas, Maimon and idle scans do. It also allows clear, reliable differentiation
    between the open, closed, and filtered states.

    This technique is often referred to as half-open scanning, because you don´t open a full TCP
    connection. You send a SYN packet, as if you are going to open a real connection and then wait for a
    response. A SYN/ACK indicates the port is listening (open), while a RST (reset) is indicative of a
    non-listener. If no response is received after several retransmissions, the port is marked as
    filtered. The port is also marked filtered if an ICMP unreachable error (type 3, code 1, 2, 3, 9, 10,
    or 13) is received.
-v (Increase verbosity level) .
    Increases the verbosity level, causing Nmap to print more information about the scan in progress.
    Open ports are shown as they are found and completion time estimates are provided when Nmap thinks a
    scan will take more than a few minutes. Use it twice or more for even greater verbosity.

    Most changes only affect interactive output, and some also affect normal and script kiddie output.
    The other output types are meant to be processed by machines, so Nmap can give substantial detail by
    default in those formats without fatiguing a human user. However, there are a few changes in other
    modes where output size can be reduced substantially by omitting some detail. For example, a comment
    line in the grepable output that provides a list of all ports scanned is only printed in verbose mode
    because it can be quite long.
nmap [Scan Type...] [Options] {target specification}
-oN filespec (normal output) .
    Requests that normal output be directed to the given filename. As discussed above, this differs
    slightly from interactive output.
source manpages: sudonmap