srun(1) --ntasks=$SLURM_NNODES --ntasks-per-node=1 tar -xvf archive.tar.gz -C $SLURM_TMPDIR
Run parallel jobs
-n, --ntasks=<number>
       Specify the number of tasks to run. Request that srun allocate resources for  ntasks  tasks.   The
       default is one task per node, but note that the --cpus-per-task option will change this default.
       Request  the  maximum  ntasks  be invoked on each node.  Meant to be used with the --nodes option.
       This is related to --cpus-per-task=ncpus, but does not require knowledge of the actual  number  of
       cpus on each node.  In some cases, it is more convenient to be able to request that no more than a
       specific number of tasks be invoked on each node.  Examples of this include  submitting  a  hybrid
       MPI/OpenMP  app  where only one MPI "task/rank" should be assigned to each node while allowing the
       OpenMP portion to utilize all of the parallelism present in  the  node,  or  submitting  a  single
       setup/cleanup/monitoring job to each node of a pre-existing allocation as one step in a larger job
-x, --exclude=<host1,host2,... or filename>
       Request that a specific list of hosts not be included in the resources allocated to this job.  The
       host list will be assumed to be a filename if it contains a "/"character.
-C, --constraint=<list>
       Specify a list of constraints.  The constraints are features that have been assigned to the  nodes
       by  the  slurm  administrator.  The list of constraints may include multiple features separated by
       ampersand (AND) and/or vertical bar (OR) operators.  For example: --constraint="opteron&video"  or
       --constraint="fast|faster".   In  the  first example, only nodes having both the feature "opteron"
       AND the feature "video" will be used.  There is no mechanism to specify that  you  want  one  node
       with  feature  "opteron"  and another node with feature "video" in case no node has both features.
       If only one of a set of possible options should be used for all allocated nodes, then use  the  OR
       operator     and    enclose    the    options    within    square    brackets.     For    example:
       "--constraint=[rack1|rack2|rack3|rack4]" might be used to specify that all nodes must be allocated
       on  a  single  rack  of  the cluster, but any of those four racks can be used.  A request can also
       specify the number of nodes needed with some feature by appending an asterisk and count after  the
       feature  name.   For example "srun --nodes=16 --constraint=graphics*4 ..."  indicates that the job
       requires 16 nodes at that at  least  four  of  those  nodes  must  have  the  feature  "graphics."
       Constraints  with  node  counts  may  only  be  combined with AND operators.  If no nodes have the
       requested features, then the job will be rejected by the slurm job manager. This  option  is  used
       for job allocations, but ignored for job step allocations.
source manpages: srun