rlwrap(1) nc -lvnp 4444
readline wrapper
-l, --logfile file
       When in readline mode, append command's output (including echo'ed user input)  to  file  (creating
       file when it doesn't exist).
-v, --version
       Print rlwrap version.
-n, --no-warnings
       Don't print warnings.
-p, --prompt-colour [<colour_name>|<Colour_name>|<colour_spec>]
       Use  one of the colour names black, red, green, yellow, blue, cyan, purple (=magenta) or white, or
       an ANSI-conformant <colour_spec> to colour any prompt displayed by command.  An  uppercase  colour
       name  (Yellow  or  YELLOW  )  gives  a  bold prompt.  Prompts that already contain (colour) escape
       sequences or one of the readline "ignore markers" (ASCII 0x01 and 0x02)  are  not  coloured.  This
       option  implies  --ansi-colour-aware.   <colour  spec>  has  the  form <attr>;<fg>[;<bg>] Example:
       -p'1;31' will give a bold red prompt on the current  background  (this  is  the  default  when  no
       argument  is  given).  Google  for 'ANSI color' to learn more about colour codes.  The argument is
       optional; if given, it has to directly follow the option  without an intervening space.
source manpages: rlwrap