locate.findutils.1 something %7C xargs -I %7B%7D bash -c %22if %5B -d %22%7B%7D%22 %5D%3B then echo %7B%7D%3B fi%22
list files in databases that match a pattern
-c, --count
       Instead of printing the matched filenames, just print the total number of matches we found, unless
       --print (-p) is also present.
-d path, --database=path
       Instead of searching the default file name database, search the file name databases in path, which
       is a colon-separated list of database file names.  You  can  also  use  the  environment  variable
       LOCATE_PATH  to  set  the  list of database files to search.  The option overrides the environment
       variable if both are used.  Empty elements in the path are taken to be synonyms for the file  name
       of the default database.  A database can be supplied on stdin, using `-' as an element of path. If
       more than one element of path is `-', later instances  are  ignored  (and  a  warning  message  is

       The  file  name  database  format  changed  starting with GNU find and locate version 4.0 to allow
       machines with different byte orderings to  share  the  databases.   This  version  of  locate  can
       automatically  recognize  and  read  databases  produced  for older versions of GNU locate or Unix
       versions of locate or find.  Support for the old locate database format will be discontinued in  a
       future release.
source manpages: locate.findutils