exiftool(1p) -T -createdate -aperture -shutterspeed -iso %2Fhome%2Fmarcos%2FDCIM%2F347CANON%2F*
Read and write meta information in files
-T (-table)
     Output tag values in table form.  Equivalent to -t -S -q -f.
-c FMT (-coordFormat)
     Set the print format for GPS coordinates.  FMT uses the same syntax as the "printf" format string.
     The specifiers correspond to degrees, minutes and seconds in that order, but minutes and seconds are
     optional.  For example, the following table gives the output for the same coordinate using various

                 FMT                  Output
         -------------------    ------------------
         "%d deg %d' %.2f"\"    54 deg 59' 22.80"  (default for reading)
         "%d %d %.8f"           54 59 22.80000000  (default for copying)
         "%d deg %.4f min"      54 deg 59.3800 min
         "%.6f degrees"         54.989667 degrees


     1) To avoid loss of precision, the default coordinate format is different when copying tags using
     the -tagsFromFile option.

     2) This print formatting may be disabled with the -n option to extract coordinates as signed decimal
  -a          (-duplicates)        Allow duplicate tags to be extracted
  -e          (--composite)        Do not calculate composite tags
  -ee         (-extractEmbedded)   Extract information from embedded files
  -ext EXT    (-extension)         Process files with specified extension
  -F[OFFSET]  (-fixBase)           Fix the base for maker notes offsets
  -fast[NUM]                       Increase speed for slow devices
  -fileOrder [-]TAG                Set file processing order
  -i DIR      (-ignore)            Ignore specified directory name
  -if EXPR                         Conditionally process files
  -m          (-ignoreMinorErrors) Ignore minor errors and warnings
  -o OUTFILE  (-out)               Set output file or directory name
  -overwrite_original              Overwrite original by renaming tmp file
  -overwrite_original_in_place     Overwrite original by copying tmp file
  -P          (-preserve)          Preserve date/time of original file
  -password PASSWD                 Password for processing protected files
  -q          (-quiet)             Quiet processing
  -r          (-recurse)           Recursively process subdirectories
  -scanForXMP                      Brute force XMP scan
  -u          (-unknown)           Extract unknown tags
  -U          (-unknown2)          Extract unknown binary tags too
  -z          (-zip)               Read/write compressed information

Special features
-p FMTFILE or STR (-printFormat)
     Print output in the format specified by the given file or string (and ignore other format options).
     Tag names in the format file or string begin with a "$" symbol and may contain a leading group name
     and/or a trailing "#".  Case is not significant.  Braces "{}" may be used around the tag name to
     separate it from subsequent text.  Use $$ to represent a "$" symbol, and $/ for a newline.  Multiple
     -p options may be used, each contributing a line of text to the output.  Lines beginning with
     "#[HEAD]" and "#[TAIL]" are output only for the first and last processed files respectively.  Lines
     beginning with "#[BODY]" and lines not beginning with "#" are output for each processed file.  Other
     lines beginning with "#" are ignored.  For example, this format file:
-e (--composite)
     Extract existing tags only -- don't calculate composite tags.
-r (-recurse)
     Recursively process files in subdirectories.  Only meaningful if FILE is a directory name.  By
     default, exiftool will also follow symbolic links to directories if supported by the system, but
     this may be disabled with "-i SYMLINKS" (see the -i option for details).
-t (-tab)
     Output a tab-delimited list of description/values (useful for database import).  May be combined
     with -s to print tag names instead of descriptions, or -S to print tag values only, tab-delimited on
     a single line.  The -t option may also be used to add tag table information to the -X option output.
-u (-unknown)
     Extract values of unknown tags.  Add another -u to also extract unknown information from binary data
     blocks.  This option applies to tags with numerical tag ID's, and causes tag names like
     "Exif_0xc5d9" to be generated for unknown information.  It has no effect on information types which
     have human-readable tag ID's (such as XMP), since unknown tags are extracted automatically from
     these formats.
-s[NUM] (-short)
     Short output format.  Prints tag names instead of descriptions.  Add NUM or up to 3 -s options for
     even shorter formats:
-i DIR (-ignore)
     Ignore specified directory name.  Use multiple -i options to ignore more than one directory name.  A
     special DIR value of "SYMLINKS" (case sensitive) may be specified to ignore symbolic links when the
     -r option is used.
source manpages: exiftool