wget(1) P /path/to/destination/directory/ mpck --user-agent="" e robots=off --wait 1 E https://www.example.com/
The non-interactive network downloader
wget [option]... [URL]...
-U agent-string
    Identify as agent-string to the HTTP server.

    The HTTP protocol allows the clients to identify themselves using a "User-Agent" header field.  This
    enables distinguishing the WWW software, usually for statistical purposes or for tracing of protocol
    violations.  Wget normally identifies as Wget/version, version being the current version number of

    However, some sites have been known to impose the policy of tailoring the output according to the
    "User-Agent"-supplied information.  While this is not such a bad idea in theory, it has been abused
    by servers denying information to clients other than (historically) Netscape or, more frequently,
    Microsoft Internet Explorer.  This option allows you to change the "User-Agent" line issued by Wget.
    Use of this option is discouraged, unless you really know what you are doing.

    Specifying empty user agent with --user-agent="" instructs Wget not to send the "User-Agent" header
    in HTTP requests.
-w seconds
    Wait the specified number of seconds between the retrievals.  Use of this option is recommended, as
    it lightens the server load by making the requests less frequent.  Instead of in seconds, the time
    can be specified in minutes using the "m" suffix, in hours using "h" suffix, or in days using "d"

    Specifying a large value for this option is useful if the network or the destination host is down, so
    that Wget can wait long enough to reasonably expect the network error to be fixed before the retry.
    The waiting interval specified by this function is influenced by "--random-wait", which see.
source manpages: wget