less(1) -SniFX
opposite of more
-S or --chop-long-lines
       Causes  lines longer than the screen width to be chopped rather than folded.  That is, the portion
       of a long line that does not fit in the screen width is not shown.  The default is  to  fold  long
       lines; that is, display the remainder on the next line.
-n or --line-numbers
       Suppresses  line  numbers.  The default (to use line numbers) may cause less to run more slowly in
       some cases, especially with a very large input file.  Suppressing line numbers with the -n  option
       will  avoid  this  problem.   Using  line  numbers means: the line number will be displayed in the
       verbose prompt and in the = command, and the v command will pass the current line  number  to  the
       editor (see also the discussion of LESSEDIT in PROMPTS below).
-i or --ignore-case
       Causes searches to ignore case; that is, uppercase and lowercase are considered  identical.   This
       option  is  ignored  if  any  uppercase letters appear in the search pattern; in other words, if a
       pattern contains uppercase letters, then that search does not ignore case.
-F or --quit-if-one-screen
       Causes less to automatically exit if the entire file can be displayed on the first screen.
-X or --no-init
       Disables sending the termcap initialization and deinitialization strings to the terminal.  This is
       sometimes desirable if the deinitialization string does something unnecessary, like  clearing  the
source manpages: less