ffmpeg(1) -framerate 3 -pattern_type glob -i %27*.jpg%27 -vf %22scale%3Diw*min%28%24width%2Fiw%5C%2C%24height%2Fih%29%3Aih*min%28%24width%2Fiw%5C%2C%24height%2Fih%29%2C pad%3D%24width%3A%24height%3A%28%24width-iw*min%28%24width%2Fiw%5C%2C%24height%2Fih%29%29%2F2%3A%28%24height-ih*min%28%24width%2Fiw%5C%2C%24height%2Fih%29%29%2F2%22 video.mp4
ffmpeg video converter
-r fps
    Set frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation), (default = 25).
-t duration
    Restrict the transcoded/captured video sequence to the duration specified in seconds.
    "hh:mm:ss[.xxx]" syntax is also supported.
-y  Overwrite output files.
-i filename
    input file name
    -vf filter_graph
        filter_graph is a description of the filter graph to apply to the input video.  Use the option
        "-filters" to show all the available filters (including also sources and sinks).

Advanced Video Options
    -pix_fmt format
        Set pixel format. Use 'list' as parameter to show all the supported pixel formats.
source manpages: ffmpeg