exiftool(1p) -s ImageSize -ExposureTime %2Fhome%2Fmarcos%2FDCIM%2F347CANON%2F*
Read and write meta information in files
-s[NUM] (-short)
     Short output format.  Prints tag names instead of descriptions.  Add NUM or up to 3 -s options for
     even shorter formats:
-E, -ex (-escapeHTML, -escapeXML)
     Escape characters in output values for HTML (-E) or XML (-ex).  For HTML, all characters with
     Unicode code points above U+007F are escaped as well as the following 5 characters: & (&) '
     (&#39;) " (&quot;) > (&gt;) and < (&lt;).  For XML, only these 5 characters are escaped.  The -E
     option is implied with -h, and -ex is implied with -X.  The inverse conversion is applied when
     writing tags.
-x TAG (-exclude)
     Exclude the specified tag.  There may be multiple -x options.  This has the same effect as --TAG on
     the command line.  May also be used following a -tagsFromFile option to exclude tags from being

Input-output text formatting
-p FMTFILE or STR (-printFormat)
     Print output in the format specified by the given file or string (and ignore other format options).
     Tag names in the format file or string begin with a "$" symbol and may contain a leading group name
     and/or a trailing "#".  Case is not significant.  Braces "{}" may be used around the tag name to
     separate it from subsequent text.  Use $$ to represent a "$" symbol, and $/ for a newline.  Multiple
     -p options may be used, each contributing a line of text to the output.  Lines beginning with
     "#[HEAD]" and "#[TAIL]" are output only for the first and last processed files respectively.  Lines
     beginning with "#[BODY]" and lines not beginning with "#" are output for each processed file.  Other
     lines beginning with "#" are ignored.  For example, this format file:
-o OUTFILE or FMT (-out)
     Set the output file or directory name when writing information.  (Without this option, the original
     file is renamed to "FILE_original" and output is sent to FILE.)  OUTFILE may be "-" to write to
     stdout.  The output file name may also be specified using a FMT string in which %d, %f and %e
     represent the directory, file name and extension of FILE.  Also, %c may be used to add a copy
     number.  See the -w option for FMT string examples.

     The output file is taken to be a directory name if it already exists as a directory or if the name
     ends with '/'.  Output directories are created if necessary.  Existing files will not be
     overwritten.  Combining the -overwrite_original option with -o causes the original source file to be
     erased after the output file is successfully written.

     A special feature of this option allows the creation of certain types of files from scratch.
     Currently, this can be done with XMP, ICC/ICM, MIE, VRD and EXIF files by specifying the appropriate
     extension for OUTFILE.  The file is then created from a combination of information in FILE (as if
     the -tagsFromFile option was used), and tag values assigned on the command line.  If no FILE is
     specified, the output file may be created from scratch using only tags assigned on the command line.
-u (-unknown)
     Extract values of unknown tags.  Add another -u to also extract unknown information from binary data
     blocks.  This option applies to tags with numerical tag ID's, and causes tag names like
     "Exif_0xc5d9" to be generated for unknown information.  It has no effect on information types which
     have human-readable tag ID's (such as XMP), since unknown tags are extracted automatically from
     these formats.
-r (-recurse)
     Recursively process files in subdirectories.  Only meaningful if FILE is a directory name.  By
     default, exiftool will also follow symbolic links to directories if supported by the system, but
     this may be disabled with "-i SYMLINKS" (see the -i option for details).
-e (--composite)
     Extract existing tags only -- don't calculate composite tags.
-T (-table)
     Output tag values in table form.  Equivalent to -t -S -q -f.
-i DIR (-ignore)
     Ignore specified directory name.  Use multiple -i options to ignore more than one directory name.  A
     special DIR value of "SYMLINKS" (case sensitive) may be specified to ignore symbolic links when the
     -r option is used.
-m (-ignoreMinorErrors)
     Ignore minor errors and warnings.  This enables writing to files with minor errors and disables some
     validation checks which could result in minor warnings.  Generally, minor errors/warnings indicate a
     problem which usually won't result in loss of metadata if ignored.  However, there are exceptions,
     so ExifTool leaves it up to you to make the final decision.
source manpages: exiftool