exiftool(1p) -htmldump -w tmp/%f_%e.html IMG_20170727-*.jpg
Read and write meta information in files
-h (-htmlFormat)
     Use HTML table formatting for output.  Implies the -E option.  The formatting options -D, -H, -g,
     -G, -l and -s may be used in combination with -h to influence the HTML format.
-t (-tab)
     Output a tab-delimited list of description/values (useful for database import).  May be combined
     with -s to print tag names instead of descriptions, or -S to print tag values only, tab-delimited on
     a single line.  The -t option may also be used to add tag table information to the -X option output.
-m (-ignoreMinorErrors)
     Ignore minor errors and warnings.  This enables writing to files with minor errors and disables some
     validation checks which could result in minor warnings.  Generally, minor errors/warnings indicate a
     problem which usually won't result in loss of metadata if ignored.  However, there are exceptions,
     so ExifTool leaves it up to you to make the final decision.
-l (-long)
     Use long 2-line Canon-style output format.  Adds a description and unconverted value to the XML
     output when -X is used.
-d FMT (-dateFormat)
     Set the format for date/time tag values.  The specifics of the FMT syntax are system dependent --
     consult the "strftime" man page on your system for details.  The default format is equivalent to
     "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S".  This option has no effect on date-only or time-only tags and ignores timezone
     information if present.  Only one -d option may be used per command.  The inverse operation (ie. un-
     formatting a date/time value) is currently not applied when writing a date/time tag.
-u (-unknown)
     Extract values of unknown tags.  Add another -u to also extract unknown information from binary data
     blocks.  This option applies to tags with numerical tag ID's, and causes tag names like
     "Exif_0xc5d9" to be generated for unknown information.  It has no effect on information types which
     have human-readable tag ID's (such as XMP), since unknown tags are extracted automatically from
     these formats.
-p FMTFILE or STR (-printFormat)
     Print output in the format specified by the given file or string (and ignore other format options).
     Tag names in the format file or string begin with a "$" symbol and may contain a leading group name
     and/or a trailing "#".  Case is not significant.  Braces "{}" may be used around the tag name to
     separate it from subsequent text.  Use $$ to represent a "$" symbol, and $/ for a newline.  Multiple
     -p options may be used, each contributing a line of text to the output.  Lines beginning with
     "#[HEAD]" and "#[TAIL]" are output only for the first and last processed files respectively.  Lines
     beginning with "#[BODY]" and lines not beginning with "#" are output for each processed file.  Other
     lines beginning with "#" are ignored.  For example, this format file:
-w[!] EXT or FMT (-textOut)
     Write console output to files with names ending in EXT, one for each source file.  The output file
     name is obtained by replacing the source file extension (including the '.') with the specified
     extension (and a '.' is added to the start of EXT if it doesn't already contain one).
     Alternatively, a FMT string may be used to give more control over the output file name and
     directory.  In the format string, %d, %f and %e represent the directory, filename and extension of
     the source file, and %c represents a copy number which is automatically incremented if the file
     already exists.  %d includes the trailing '/' if necessary, but %e does not include the leading '.'.
     For example:
source manpages: exiftool