exiftool(1p) -a -u -g1 /home/marcos/DCIM/347CANON/_MG_4757.JPG
Read and write meta information in files
  -a          (-duplicates)        Allow duplicate tags to be extracted
  -e          (--composite)        Do not calculate composite tags
  -ee         (-extractEmbedded)   Extract information from embedded files
  -ext EXT    (-extension)         Process files with specified extension
  -F[OFFSET]  (-fixBase)           Fix the base for maker notes offsets
  -fast[NUM]                       Increase speed for slow devices
  -fileOrder [-]TAG                Set file processing order
  -i DIR      (-ignore)            Ignore specified directory name
  -if EXPR                         Conditionally process files
  -m          (-ignoreMinorErrors) Ignore minor errors and warnings
  -o OUTFILE  (-out)               Set output file or directory name
  -overwrite_original              Overwrite original by renaming tmp file
  -overwrite_original_in_place     Overwrite original by copying tmp file
  -P          (-preserve)          Preserve date/time of original file
  -password PASSWD                 Password for processing protected files
  -q          (-quiet)             Quiet processing
  -r          (-recurse)           Recursively process subdirectories
  -scanForXMP                      Brute force XMP scan
  -u          (-unknown)           Extract unknown tags
  -U          (-unknown2)          Extract unknown binary tags too
  -z          (-zip)               Read/write compressed information

Special features
-u (-unknown)
     Extract values of unknown tags.  Add another -u to also extract unknown information from binary data
     blocks.  This option applies to tags with numerical tag ID's, and causes tag names like
     "Exif_0xc5d9" to be generated for unknown information.  It has no effect on information types which
     have human-readable tag ID's (such as XMP), since unknown tags are extracted automatically from
     these formats.
source manpages: exiftool