exiftool(1p) -a -b -ee -embeddedimage -W Image_%.3g3.%s H108850_tcm7-368262.pdf
Read and write meta information in files
  -a          (-duplicates)        Allow duplicate tags to be extracted
  -e          (--composite)        Do not calculate composite tags
  -ee         (-extractEmbedded)   Extract information from embedded files
  -ext EXT    (-extension)         Process files with specified extension
  -F[OFFSET]  (-fixBase)           Fix the base for maker notes offsets
  -fast[NUM]                       Increase speed for slow devices
  -fileOrder [-]TAG                Set file processing order
  -i DIR      (-ignore)            Ignore specified directory name
  -if EXPR                         Conditionally process files
  -m          (-ignoreMinorErrors) Ignore minor errors and warnings
  -o OUTFILE  (-out)               Set output file or directory name
  -overwrite_original              Overwrite original by renaming tmp file
  -overwrite_original_in_place     Overwrite original by copying tmp file
  -P          (-preserve)          Preserve date/time of original file
  -password PASSWD                 Password for processing protected files
  -q          (-quiet)             Quiet processing
  -r          (-recurse)           Recursively process subdirectories
  -scanForXMP                      Brute force XMP scan
  -u          (-unknown)           Extract unknown tags
  -U          (-unknown2)          Extract unknown binary tags too
  -z          (-zip)               Read/write compressed information

Special features
-b (-binary)
     Output requested data in binary format without tag names or descriptions.  This option is mainly
     used for extracting embedded images or other binary data, but it may also be useful for some text
     strings since control characters (such as newlines) are not replaced by '.' as they are in the
     default output.  Also valid in combination with the "-X" option.
-ee (-extractEmbedded)
     Extract information from embedded documents in EPS and PDF files, embedded MPF images in JPEG and
     MPO files, streaming metadata in AVCHD videos, and the resource fork of Mac OS files.  Implies the
     -a option.  Use -g3 or -G3 to identify the originating document for extracted information.  Embedded
     documents containing sub-documents are indicated with dashes in the family 3 group name.  (ie.
     "Doc2-3" is the 3rd sub-document of the 2nd embedded document.)
-e (--composite)
     Extract existing tags only -- don't calculate composite tags.
-m (-ignoreMinorErrors)
     Ignore minor errors and warnings.  This enables writing to files with minor errors and disables some
     validation checks which could result in minor warnings.  Generally, minor errors/warnings indicate a
     problem which usually won't result in loss of metadata if ignored.  However, there are exceptions,
     so ExifTool leaves it up to you to make the final decision.
-d FMT (-dateFormat)
     Set the format for date/time tag values.  The specifics of the FMT syntax are system dependent --
     consult the "strftime" man page on your system for details.  The default format is equivalent to
     "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S".  This option has no effect on date-only or time-only tags and ignores timezone
     information if present.  Only one -d option may be used per command.  The inverse operation (ie. un-
     formatting a date/time value) is currently not applied when writing a date/time tag.
-i DIR (-ignore)
     Ignore specified directory name.  Use multiple -i options to ignore more than one directory name.  A
     special DIR value of "SYMLINKS" (case sensitive) may be specified to ignore symbolic links when the
     -r option is used.
source manpages: exiftool