sgdisk(8) - Command-line GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator for Linux and Unix
-a, --set-alignment=value
       Set  the  sector  alignment multiple. GPT fdisk aligns the start of partitions to sectors that are
       multiples of this value, which defaults to 2048 on freshly formatted disks. This  alignment  value
       is necessary to obtain optimum performance with Western Digital Advanced Format and similar drives
       with larger physical than logical sector sizes, with some types  of  RAID  arrays,  and  with  SSD
-A, --attributes=list|[partnum:show|or|nand|xor|=|set|clear|toggle|get[:bitnum|hexbitmask]]
       View  or  set  partition  attributes.  Use  list to see defined (known) attribute values. Omit the
       partition number (and even the device filename) when using  this  option.  The  others  require  a
       partition  number. The show and get options show the current attribute settings (all attributes or
       for a particular bit, respectively). The or, nand, xor, =, set, clear, and toggle  options  enable
       you  to  change  the  attribute  bit  value. The set, clear, toggle, and get options work on a bit
       number; the others work on a hexadecimal bit mask. For example, type sgdisk -A 4:set:2 /dev/sdc to
       set the bit 2 attribute (legacy BIOS bootable) on partition 4 on /dev/sdc.
-b, --backup=file
       Save  partition data to a backup file. You can back up your current in-memory partition table to a
       disk file using this option. The resulting file is a binary file consisting of the protective MBR,
       the  main  GPT  header, the backup GPT header, and one copy of the partition table, in that order.
       Note that the backup is of the current in-memory data structures, so if you  launch  the  program,
       make  changes,  and  then  use  this option, the backup will reflect your changes. If the GPT data
       structures are damaged, the backup may not accurately reflect the  damaged  state;  instead,  they
       will reflect GPT fdisk's first-pass interpretation of the GPT.
-c, --change-name=partnum:name
       Change  the GPT name of a partition. This name is encoded as a UTF-16 string, but proper entry and
       display of anything beyond basic ASCII values requires suitable locale and font support.  For  the
       most  part, Linux ignores the partition name, but it may be important in some OSes. GPT fdisk sets
       a default name based on the partition type code. If you want to set a name that includes a  space,
       enclose it in quotation marks, as in sgdisk -c 1:"Sample Name" /dev/sdb. Note that the GPT name of
       a partition is distinct from the filesystem name,  which  is  encoded  in  the  filesystem's  data
-C, --recompute-chs
       Recompute  CHS  values  in  protective  or  hybrid  MBR.  This option can sometimes help if a disk
       utility, OS, or BIOS doesn't like the CHS values used by  the  partitions  in  the  protective  or
       hybrid  MBR.  In  particular, the GPT specification requires a CHS value of 0xFFFFFF for over-8GiB
       partitions, but this value is technically illegal by the usual standards. Some BIOSes hang if they
       encounter this value. This option will recompute a more normal CHS value -- 0xFEFFFF for over-8GiB
       partitions, enabling these BIOSes to boot.
-d, --delete=partnum
       Delete a partition. This action deletes the entry from the partition table but  does  not  disturb
       the  data within the sectors originally allocated to the partition on the disk. If a corresponding
       hybrid MBR partition exists, gdisk deletes it, as well, and expands any adjacent  0xEE  (EFI  GPT)
       MBR protective partition to fill the new free space.
-D, --display-alignment
       Display  current  sector  alignment  value.  Partitions will be created on multiples of the sector
       value reported by this option. You can change the alignment value with the -a option.
-E, --end-of-largest
       Displays the sector number of the end of the largest available block of sectors  on  the  disk.  A
       script  may  store this value and pass it back as part of -n's option to create a partition. If no
       unallocated sectors are available, this function returns the value 0.
-f, --first-in-largest
       Displays the sector number of the start of the largest available block of sectors on the  disk.  A
       script  may  store this value and pass it back as part of -n's option to create a partition. If no
       unallocated sectors are available, this function returns the value 0. Note that this parameter  is
       blind  to  partition  alignment;  when  you  actually create a partition, its start point might be
       changed from this value.
-F, --first-aligned-in-largest
       Similar to -f (--first-in-largest), except returns the sector number with  the  current  alignment
       correction  applied.  Use  this  function  if you need to compute the actual partition start point
       rather than a theoretical start point or the actual start point if you set the alignment value  to
-g, --mbrtogpt
       Convert  an  MBR  or  BSD disklabel disk to a GPT disk. As a safety measure, use of this option is
       required on MBR or BSD disklabel disks if you intend to save your changes,  in  order  to  prevent
       accidentally damaging such disks.
-G, --randomize-guids
       Randomize  the  disk's  GUID  and  all partitions' unique GUIDs (but not their partition type code
       GUIDs). This function may be used after cloning a disk in order to render  all  GUIDs  once  again
-h, --hybrid
       Create  a  hybrid MBR. This option takes from one to three partition numbers, separated by colons,
       as arguments. The created hybrid MBR places an EFI GPT (type 0xEE) partition first in  the  table,
       followed  by  the partition(s) you specify. Their type codes are based on the GPT fdisk type codes
       divided by 0x0100, which is usually correct for Windows partitions. If  the  active/bootable  flag
       should  be  set,  you  must  do  so  in  another  program, such as fdisk. The gdisk program offers
       additional hybrid MBR creation options.
-i, --info=partnum
       Show  detailed  partition  information.  The  summary  information  produced  by  the  -p  command
       necessarily  omits  many  details,  such  as  the  partition's  unique GUID and the translation of
       sgdisk's internal partition type  code  to  a  plain  type  name.  The  -i  option  displays  this
       information for a single partition.
-l, --load-backup=file
       Load  partition  data  from  a backup file. This option is the reverse of the -b option. Note that
       restoring partition data from anything but the original disk is not recommended. This option  will
       work  even  if the disk's original partition table is bad; however, most other options on the same
       command line will be ignored.
-L, --list-types
       Display a summary of partition types. GPT uses a GUID to identify partition types  for  particular
       OSes  and  purposes.  For  ease  of  data entry, sgdisk compresses these into two-byte (four-digit
       hexadecimal) values that are related to their equivalent MBR codes. Specifically, the MBR code  is
       multiplied  by hexadecimal 0x0100. For instance, the code for Linux swap space in MBR is 0x82, and
       it's 0x8200 in gdisk. A one-to-one correspondence is impossible, though. Most notably,  the  codes
       for  all varieties of FAT and NTFS partition correspond to a single GPT code (entered as 0x0700 in
       sgdisk). Some OSes use a single MBR code but employ many more codes in GPT. For these, sgdisk adds
       code numbers sequentially, such as 0xa500 for a FreeBSD disklabel, 0xa501 for FreeBSD boot, 0xa502
       for FreeBSD swap, and so on. Note that these two-byte codes are unique to gdisk and  sgdisk.  This
       option does not require you to specify a valid disk device filename.
-m, --gpttombr
       Convert disk from GPT to MBR form. This option takes from one to four partition numbers, separated
       by colons, as arguments. Their type codes are based on the GPT fdisk type codes divided by 0x0100.
       If  the active/bootable flag should be set, you must do so in another program, such as fdisk.  The
       gdisk program offers additional MBR conversion options. It is not possible to  convert  more  than
       four  partitions  from  GPT to MBR form or to convert partitions that start above the 2TiB mark or
       that are larger than 2TiB.
-n, --new=partnum:start:end
       Create a new partition. You enter a partition number, starting sector, and an ending sector.  Both
       start  and  end  sectors  can  be  specified  in  absolute terms as sector numbers or as positions
       measured in kibibytes (K), mebibytes (M), gibibytes (G), tebibytes  (T),  or  pebibytes  (P);  for
       instance,  40M  specifies  a  position 40MiB from the start of the disk. You can specify locations
       relative to the start or end of the specified default range by preceding the number by  a  '+'  or
       '-'  symbol, as in +2G to specify a point 2GiB after the default start sector, or -200M to specify
       a point 200MiB before the last available sector. A start or end value of 0 specifies  the  default
       value,  which  is the start of the largest available block for the start sector and the end of the
       same block for the end sector. A partnum value of 0 causes the program to use the first  available
       partition number.
-N, --largest-new=num
       Create  a  new partition that fills the largest available block of space on the disk. Note that if
       used on a completely blank disk, this is likely to result in a  sector-moved  warning,  since  the
       first  available  sector  (normally  34)  doesn't  fall on a 2048-sector boundary (the default for
       alignment). You can use the -a (--set-alignment) option to adjust the alignment, if desired. A num
       value of 0 causes the program to use the first available partition number.
-o, --clear
       Clear  out  all  partition data. This includes GPT header data, all partition definitions, and the
       protective MBR. Note that this operation will, like most other operations, fail on a damaged disk.
       If you want to prepare a disk you know to be damaged for GPT use, you should first wipe it with -Z
       and then partition it normally. This option will work even if the disk's original partition  table
       is bad; however, most other options on the same command line will be ignored.
-p, --print
       Display  basic partition summary data. This includes partition numbers, starting and ending sector
       numbers, partition sizes, sgdisk's partition types codes,  and  partition  names.  For  additional
       information, use the -i (--info) option.
-P, --pretend
       Pretend  to  make  specified changes. In-memory GPT data structures are altered according to other
       parameters, but changes are not written to disk.
-r, --transpose
       Swap two partitions' entries in the partition table. One or both partitions may be empty, although
       swapping  two  empty  partitions  is  pointless.  For  instance,  if  partitions  1-4 are defined,
       transposing 1 and 5 results in a table with partitions numbered from 2-5.  Transposing  partitions
       in  this  way  has  no  effect  on  their disk space allocation; it only alters their order in the
       partition table.
-R, --replicate=second_device_filename
       Replicate the main device's partition table  on  the  specified  second  device.   Note  that  the
       replicated  partition  table  is an exact copy, including all GUIDs; if the device should have its
       own unique GUIDs, you should use the -G option on the new disk.
-s, --sort
       Sort partition entries. GPT partition numbers need not match the order of partitions on the  disk.
       If  you  want  them to match, you can use this option.  Note that some partitioning utilities sort
       partitions whenever they make changes. Such changes will be reflected in your device filenames, so
       you may need to edit /etc/fstab if you use this option.
-t, --typecode=partnum:{hexcode|GUID}
       Change a single partition's type code. You enter the type code using either a two-byte hexadecimal
       number,   as   described    earlier,    or    a    fully-specified    GUID    value,    such    as
-T, --transform-bsd=partnum
       Transform  BSD partitions into GPT partitions. This option works on BSD disklabels held within GPT
       (or converted MBR) partitions.  Converted  partitions'  type  codes  are  likely  to  need  manual
       adjustment.  sgdisk  will attempt to convert BSD disklabels stored on the main disk when launched,
       but this conversion is likely to produce first and/or last partitions that are unusable. The  many
       BSD  variants means that the probability of sgdisk being unable to convert a BSD disklabel is high
       compared to the likelihood of problems with an MBR conversion.
-u, --partition-guid=partnum:guid
       Set the partition unique GUID for an individual partition. The GUID may be a complete GUID or  'R'
       to set a random GUID.
-U, --disk-guid=guid
       Set the GUID for the disk. The GUID may be a complete GUID or 'R' to set a random GUID.
       Print a brief summary of available options.
-v, --verify
       Verify  disk.  This option checks for a variety of problems, such as incorrect CRCs and mismatched
       main and backup data. This option does not automatically correct most problems, though; for  that,
       you must use options on the recovery & transformation menu. If no problems are found, this command
       displays a summary of unallocated disk space. This option will work even if  the  disk's  original
       partition table is bad; however, most other options on the same command line will be ignored.
-V, --version
       Display program version information. This option may be used without specifying a device filename.
-z, --zap
       Zap  (destroy) the GPT data structures and then exit. Use this option if you want to repartition a
       GPT disk using fdisk or some other GPT-unaware program. This option destroys  only  the  GPT  data
       structures;  it  leaves  the  MBR  intact. This makes it useful for wiping out GPT data structures
       after a disk has been repartitioned for MBR using a GPT-unaware utility; however, there's  a  risk
       that  it will damage boot loaders or even the start of the first or end of the last MBR partition.
       If you use it on a valid GPT disk, the MBR will be left  with  an  inappropriate  EFI  GPT  (0xEE)
       partition definition, which you can delete using another utility.
-Z, --zap-all
       Zap  (destroy)  the GPT and MBR data structures and then exit. This option works much like -z, but
       as it wipes the MBR as well as the GPT, it's more suitable if you want to repartition a disk after
       using this option, and completely unsuitable if you've already repartitioned the disk.
-?, --help
       Print a summary of options.