logread(1) - The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux
            -v VAR=VAL      Set variable
            -F SEP          Use SEP as field separator
            -f FILE         Read program from FILE

    basename FILE [SUFFIX]

    Strip directory path and .SUFFIX from FILE

    blockdev OPTION BLOCKDEV

--setro         Set ro
--setrw         Set rw
--getro         Get ro
--getss         Get sector size
--getbsz        Get block size
--setbsz BYTES  Set block size
--getsize       Get device size in 512-byte sectors
--getsize64     Get device size in bytes
--flushbufs     Flush buffers
--rereadpt      Reread partition table
-f,--file=FILE  Lease file
-r,--remaining  Show remaining time
-a,--absolute   Show expiration time
            -c,--continue   Continue previous transfer
            -v,--verbose    Verbose
            -u,--username   Username
            -p,--password   Password
            -P,--port       Port number


    Store a local file on a remote machine via FTP

            -v,--verbose    Verbose
            -u,--username   Username
            -p,--password   Password
            -P,--port       Port number

    getopt [OPTIONS]

-a,--alternative                Allow long options starting with single -
-l,--longoptions=longopts       Long options to be recognized
-n,--name=progname              The name under which errors are reported
-o,--options=optstring          Short options to be recognized
-q,--quiet                      Disable error reporting by getopt(3)
-Q,--quiet-output               No normal output
-s,--shell=shell                Set shell quoting conventions
-T,--test                       Test for getopt(1) version
-u,--unquoted                   Don't quote the output
-b,--broadcast  Display calculated broadcast address
-n,--network    Display calculated network address
-m,--netmask    Display default netmask for IP
-p,--prefix     Display the prefix for IP/NETMASK
-h,--hostname   Display first resolved host name
-s,--silent     Don't ever display error messages
-p,--strip N            Strip N leading components from file names
-i,--input DIFF         Read DIFF instead of stdin
-R,--reverse            Reverse patch
-N,--forward            Ignore already applied patches
--dry-run               Don't actually change files
-E,--remove-empty-files Remove output files if they become empty
-o COL1,COL2=HEADER     Select columns for display
-T                      Show threads
-p|--parents    Include parents
        -u,--user USERNAME|UID  Match only this user's processes
        -n,--name NAME          Match processes with NAME
                                in comm field in /proc/PID/stat
        -x,--exec EXECUTABLE    Match processes with this command
                                in /proc/PID/cmdline
        -p,--pidfile FILE       Match a process with PID from the file
        All specified conditions must match
-S only:
        -x,--exec EXECUTABLE    Program to run
        -a,--startas NAME       Zeroth argument
        -b,--background         Background
        -N,--nicelevel N        Change nice level
        -c,--chuid USER[:[GRP]] Change to user/group
        -m,--make-pidfile       Write PID to the pidfile specified by -p
-K only:
        -s,--signal SIG         Signal to send
        -t,--test               Match only, exit with 0 if a process is found
-o,--oknodo             Exit with status 0 if nothing is done
-v,--verbose            Verbose
-q,--quiet              Quiet
-i,--interface IFACE    Interface to use (default eth0)
-p,--pidfile FILE       Create pidfile
-s,--script PROG        Run PROG at DHCP events (default /usr/share/udhcpc/default.script)
-t,--retries N          Send up to N discover packets
-T,--timeout N          Pause between packets (default 3 seconds)
-A,--tryagain N         Wait N seconds after failure (default 20)
-f,--foreground         Run in foreground
-b,--background         Background if lease is not obtained
-n,--now                Exit if lease is not obtained
-q,--quit               Exit after obtaining lease
-R,--release            Release IP on exit
-S,--syslog             Log to syslog too
-a,--arping             Use arping to validate offered address
-O,--request-option OPT Request option OPT from server (cumulative)
-o,--no-default-options Don't request any options (unless -O is given)
-r,--request IP         Request this IP address
-x OPT:VAL              Include option OPT in sent packets (cumulative)
                        Examples of string, numeric, and hex byte opts:
                        -x hostname:bbox - option 12
                        -x lease:3600 - option 51 (lease time)
                        -x 0x3d:0100BEEFC0FFEE - option 61 (client id)
-F,--fqdn NAME          Ask server to update DNS mapping for NAME
-H,-h,--hostname NAME   Send NAME as client hostname (default none)
-V,--vendorclass VENDOR Vendor identifier (default 'udhcp VERSION')
-C,--clientid-none      Don't send MAC as client identifier