git-tag(1) - Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
-a, --annotate
    Make an unsigned, annotated tag object
-s, --sign
    Make a GPG-signed tag, using the default e-mail address’s key.
-u <key-id>, --local-user=<key-id>
    Make a GPG-signed tag, using the given key.
-f, --force
    Replace an existing tag with the given name (instead of failing)
-d, --delete
    Delete existing tags with the given names.
-v, --verify
    Verify the gpg signature of the given tag names.
    <num> specifies how many lines from the annotation, if any, are printed when using -l. The default is
    not to print any annotation lines. If no number is given to -n, only the first line is printed. If
    the tag is not annotated, the commit message is displayed instead.
-l <pattern>, --list <pattern>
    List tags with names that match the given pattern (or all if no pattern is given). Running "git tag"
    without arguments also lists all tags. The pattern is a shell wildcard (i.e., matched using
    fnmatch(3)). Multiple patterns may be given; if any of them matches, the tag is shown.
--contains <commit>
    Only list tags which contain the specified commit.
-m <msg>, --message=<msg>
    Use the given tag message (instead of prompting). If multiple -m options are given, their values are
    concatenated as separate paragraphs. Implies -a if none of -a, -s, or -u <key-id> is given.
-F <file>, --file=<file>
    Take the tag message from the given file. Use - to read the message from the standard input. Implies
    -a if none of -a, -s, or -u <key-id> is given.
    This option sets how the tag message is cleaned up. The <mode> can be one of verbatim, whitespace and
    strip. The strip mode is default. The verbatim mode does not change message at all, whitespace
    removes just leading/trailing whitespace lines and strip removes both whitespace and commentary.