bs=BYTES read and write up to BYTES bytes at a time |
cbs=BYTES convert BYTES bytes at a time |
conv=CONVS convert the file as per the comma separated symbol list |
count=BLOCKS copy only BLOCKS input blocks |
ibs=BYTES read up to BYTES bytes at a time (default: 512) |
if=FILE read from FILE instead of stdin |
iflag=FLAGS read as per the comma separated symbol list |
obs=BYTES write BYTES bytes at a time (default: 512) |
of=FILE write to FILE instead of stdout |
oflag=FLAGS write as per the comma separated symbol list |
seek=BLOCKS skip BLOCKS obs-sized blocks at start of output |
skip=BLOCKS skip BLOCKS ibs-sized blocks at start of input |
status=noxfer suppress transfer statistics |
--help display this help and exit |
--version output version information and exit |