RPM Package Manager
-p, --package PACKAGE_FILE
       Query an (uninstalled) package PACKAGE_FILE.  The PACKAGE_FILE may be specified as an ftp or  http
       style  URL, in which case the package header will be downloaded and queried.  See FTP/HTTP OPTIONS
       for information on rpm's internal ftp and http client support. The  PACKAGE_FILE  argument(s),  if
       not  a binary package, will be interpreted as an ASCII package manifest unless --nomanifest option
       is used.  In manifests, comments are permitted, starting with a '#', and each line  of  a  package
       manifest  file  may  include white space separated glob expressions, including URL's, that will be
       expanded to paths that are substituted in place of the package manifest as additional PACKAGE_FILE
       arguments to the query.
-R, --requires
       List capabilities on which this package depends.
source manpages: rpmsign