feh(1) - image viewer and cataloguer
-A, --action [flag]action
        Specify a shell command as an action to perform on the image.  In slideshow or multiwindow mode,
        the action will be run when the action_0 key is pressed, in list mode, it will be run for each
        file.  In loadable/unloadable mode, it will be run for each loadable/unloadable file, respectively.

        If flag is ";", feh will reload the current image instead of switching to the next one after
        executing the action.

        The action will be executed by /bin/sh.  Use format specifiers to refer to image info.  See FORMAT
        SPECIFIERS for examples.  E.g.  "feh -A mv ~/images/%n *".  In slideshow mode, the next image will
        be shown after running the action, in multiwindow mode, the window will be closed.
--action1 .. --action9
        Extra actions which can be set and triggered using the appropiate number key.
-Z, --auto-zoom
        Zoom pictures to screen size in fullscreen / fixed geometry mode.
-x, --borderless
        Create borderless windows.
-P, --cache-thumbnails
        Enable thumbnail caching in ~/.thumbnails.  Only works with thumbnails <= 256x256 pixels.
-K, --caption-path path
        Path to directory containing image captions.  This turns on caption viewing, and if captions are
        found in path, which is relative to the directory of each image, they are overlayed on the
        displayed image.  E.g. with caption path "captions/", and viewing image "images/foo.jpg", the
        caption will be looked for in "images/captions/foo.jpg.txt".
-L, --customlist format
        Don't display images, print image info according to format instead.  See FORMAT SPECIFIEDRS.
        Exit feh after one loop through the slideshow.
-G, --draw-actions
        Draw the defined actions and what they do at the top-left of the image.
-d, --draw-filename
        Draw the filename at the top-left of the image.
        Show overlay texts (as created by --draw-filename et al) on a semi-transparent background to
        improve their readability
-f, --filelist file
        This option is similar to the playlists used by music software.  If file exists, it will be read
        for a list of files to load, in the order they appear.  The format is a list of image filenames,
        absolute or relative to the current directory, one filename per line.

        If file doesn't exist, it will be created from the internal filelist at the end of a viewing
        session.  This is best used to store the results of complex sorts (-Spixels for example) for later

        Any changes to the internal filelist (such as deleting a file or it being pruned for being
        unloadable) will be saved to file when feh exits.  You can add files to filelists by specifying
        them on the commandline when also specifying the list.

        If file is "-", feh will read the filelist from its standard input.
-e, --font font
        Set global font.  Should be a truetype font, resident in the current directory or the font
        directory, and should be defined in the form fontname/points, like "myfont/12".
-C, --fontpath path
        Specify path as extra directory in which to search for fonts; can be used multiple times to add
        multiple paths.
        Disable antialiasing for zooming, background setting etc.
-I, --fullindex
        Same as index mode, but with additional information below the thumbnails.  Works just like "feh
        --index --index-info "%n\n%S\n%wx%h"".  Enables MONTAGE MODE OPTIONS.

        Note: This option needs to load all images to calculate the dimensions of the feh window, so when
        using it with many files it will ake a while before a feh window is visible.  Use --preload to get
        a progress bar.
-F, --fullscreen
        Make the window fullscreen.  Note that in this mode, large images will always be scaled down to fit
        the screen, --zoom zoom only affects smaller images and never scales larger than necessary to fit
        the screen size. The only exception is a zoom of 100, in which case images will always be shown at
        100% zoom, no matter their dimensions.
-g, --geometry width x height [+ x + y]
        Limit (and don't change) the window size.  Takes an X-style geometry string like 640x480 with
        optional +x+y window offset.  Note that larger images will be zoomed out to fit, but you can see
        them at 1:1 by clicking the zoom button.
-Y, --hide-pointer
        Hide the pointer (useful for slideshows).
-B, --image-bg style
        Use style as background for transparent image parts and the like.  Accepted values: checks
        (default), white, black.
-i, --index
        Enable Index mode.  Index mode is similar to montage mode, and accepts the same options.  It
        creates an index print of thumbails, printing the image name beneath each thumbnail.  Index mode
        enables certain other options, see INDEX MODE OPTIONS and MONTAGE MODE OPTIONS.
--index-info format
        Show image information based on format below thumbnails in index / thumbnail mode.  See FORMAT
        SPECIFIERS.  May contain newlines.

        Note: If you specify image-related formats (such as %w or %s), feh needs to load all images to
        calculate the dimensions of its own window.  So when using them with many files, it will take a
        while before a feh window becomes visible.  Use --preload to get a progress bar.
--info commandline
        Execute commandline and display its output in the bottom left corner of the image.  Can be used to
        display e.g. image dimensions or EXIF information.  Supports FORMAT SPECIFIERS.
-k, --keep-http
        When viewing files using HTTP, feh normally deletes the local copies after viewing, or, if caching,
        on exit.  This option prevents this so that you get to keep the local copies.  They will be in /tmp
        with "feh" in the name.
-l, --list
        Don't display images.  Analyse them and display an ls(1) - style listing.  Useful in scripts to
        hunt out images of a certain size/resolution/type etc.
-U, --loadable
        Don't display images.  Just print out their names if imlib2 can successfully load them.
-M, --menu-font font
        Use font (truetype, with size, like "yudit/12") as menu font.
-m, --montage
        Enable montage mode.  Montage mode creates a new image consisting of a grid of thumbnails of the
        images in the filelist.  When montage mode is selected, certain other options become available.
-w, --multiwindow
        Disable slideshow mode.  With this setting, instead of opening multiple files in slideshow mode,
        multiple windows will be opened; one per file.
        Don't jump to the first image after resorting the filelist.
-N, --no-menus
        Don't load or show any menus.
        By default, window sizes are limited to the screen size.  With this option, windows will have the
        size of the image inside them.  Note that they may become very large this way, making them
        unmanageable in certain window managers.
        Disable Xinerama support.  Only makes sense when you have Xinerama support compiled in.
-j, --output-dir directory
        Save files to directory (only useful with -k)
-p, --preload
        Preload images.  This doesn't mean hold them in RAM, it means run through them and eliminate
        unloadable images first.  Otherwise they will be removed as you flick through.  This also analyses
        the images to get data for use in sorting, such as pixel size, type etc.  A preload run will be
        automatically performed if you specify one of these sort modes.
-q, --quiet
        Don't report non-fatal errors for failed loads.  Verbose and quiet modes are not mutually
        exclusive, the first controls informational messages, the second only errors.
-z, --randomize
        When viewing multiple files in a slideshow, randomize the file list before displaying.
-r, --recursive
        Recursively expand any directories in the commandline arguments to the content of those
        directories, all the way down to the bottom level.
-R, --reload int
        Reload filelist and current image after int seconds.  Useful for viewing HTTP webcams or frequently
        changing directories.  (Note that the filelist reloading is still experimental.)

        If an image is removed, feh will either show the next one or quit.  However, if an image still
        exists, but can no longer be loaded, feh will continue to try loading it.
-n, --reverse
        Reverse the sort order.  Use this to invert the order of the filelist.  E.g. to sort in reverse
        width order, use -nSwidth.
-D, --slideshow-delay float
        For slideshow mode, wait float seconds between automatically changing slides.  Useful for
        presentations.  Specify a negative number to set the delay (which will then be float * (-1)), but
        start feh in paused mode.
-S, --sort sort_type
        The file list may be sorted according to image parameters.  Allowed sort types are: name, filename,
        width, height, pixels, size, format.  For sort modes other than name or filename, a preload run
        will be necessary, causing a delay proportional to the number of images in the list.
-T, --theme theme
        Load options from config file with name theme - see THEMES CONFIG SYNTAX for more info.  Note that
        commandline options always override theme options.  The theme can also be set via the program name
        (e.g. with symlinks), so by default feh will look for a "feh" theme.
-t, --thumbnails
        Same as Index mode, but the thumbnails are clickable image launchers.  Note that --fullscreen does
        not affect the thumbnail window. It does, however, work for the image windows launched from
        thumbnail mode.  Also supports MONTAGE MODE OPTIONS.
-u, --unloadable
        Don't display images.  Just print out their names if imlib2 can NOT successfully load them.
-V, --verbose
        output useful information, progress bars, etc.
-v, --version
        output version information and exit.
--zoom percent | max | fill
        Zoom images by percent when in full screen mode or when window geometry is fixed.  When combined
        with --auto-zoom, zooming will be limited to the specified percent.  Specifying max is like setting
        --auto-zoom, using fill makes feh zoom the image like the --bg-fill mode.
-a, --alpha int
        When drawing thumbnails onto the background, set their transparency level to int (0 - 255).
-b, --bg file | trans
        Use file as background for your montage.  With this option specified, the montage size will default
        to the size of file if no size restrictions were specified.  Alternatively, if file is "trans", the
        background will be made transparent.
-X, --ignore-aspect
        By default, the montage thumbnails will retain their aspect ratios, while fitting into thumb-
        width/-height.  This options forces them to be the size set by --thumb-width and --thumb-height.
        This will prevent any empty space in the final montage.
-H, --limit-height pixels
        Limit the height of the montage.
-W, --limit-width pixels
        Limit the width of the montage, defaults to 800 pixels.

        If both --limit-width and --limit-height are specified, the montage will be exactly width x height
        pixels in dimensions.
-o, --output file
        Save the created montage to file.
-O, --output-only file
        Just save the created montage to file without displaying it.
-s, --stretch
        Normally, if an image is smaller than the specified thumbnail size, it will not be enlarged.  If
        this option is set, the image will be scaled up to fit the thumnail size.  Aspect ratio will be
        maintained unles --ignore-aspect is specified.
-E, --thumb-height pixels
        Set thumbnail height.
-y, --thumb-width pixels
        Set thumbnail width.
-J, --thumb-redraw n
        Only relevant for --thumbnails: Redraw thumbnail window every n images.  In feh <= 1.5, the
        thumbnail image used to be redrawn after every computed thumbnail (so, it updated immediately).
        However, since the redrawing takes quite long (especially for thumbnail mode on a large filelist),
        this turned out to be a major performance penalty.  As a workaround, the thumbnail image is redrawn
        every 10th image now by default. Set n = 1 to get the old behaviour, n = 0 will only redraw once
        all thumbnails are loaded.
        Center the file on the background.  If it is too small, it will be surrounded by a black border
        Like --bg-scale, but preserves aspect ratio by zooming the image until it fits.  Either a
        horizontal or a vertical part of the image will be cut off
        Like --bg-fill, but scale the image to the maximum size that fits the screen with black borders on
        one side.
        Fit the file into the background without repeating it, cutting off stuff or using borders.  But the
        aspect ratio is not preserved either
        Tile (repeat) the image in case it is too small for the screen
        Do not write a ~/.fehbg file